*About Me*

Hey everyone 😊

Thanks for taking the time out to visit my blog. 🥰

I am a Welsh blogger, English teacher and mum from South Wales. I am 29 years old and in my spare time I love to read, cook, go for long walks and (when Covid goes away) meet friends for coffee and catch ups.

I have always loved reading but have found an amazing, supportive community online over the last couple of years and have begun to see it as a form of socialising as well as self-care. In 2020, I read an incredible (for me) 128 books, but my favourites were probably: The Child Who Never Was by Jane Renshaw, With or Without You by Drew Davies, or The School of Starting Over by Lisa Swift.

I have also always loved writing and expressing myself. I have never been very good at writing fiction, and when I was younger I dreamed of being a journalist. However, I am a home body and I like to think of myself as a nice person, so decided that the travelling and some of the more brutal, hounding aspects of a career in journalism weren’t for me. 

This blog is my place to express myself. Here, you will mostly find bookish things, including reviews, extracts and general bookish chat. I hope you enjoy my blog and please get in touch if you read this – I’d love to hear what you think!

Please send any queries to cerievansk21@hotmail.com.

Happy reading and stay safe!

Love, @iheartbooks1991